Homeschool With Purpose Using The Fruit Of The Spirit For Kids

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Discipling our children with God’s Word is such a gift. The Bible is an unmatched source when it comes to teaching our children and is full of so many wonderful, rich topics. Although it may feel overwhelming to choose a topic to study, it doesn’t need to be. A great place to start, and often revisit over and over again, is the fruit of the Spirit. 

Homeschool With Purpose Using The Fruit of the Spirit For Kids

Galations 5:22-23 (CSB): 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things.

Teaching the fruit of the Spirit for kids is a simple, yet powerful concept. It’s also a great reminder for us too! We have to set the example of how to walk out each fruit in our daily lives as well. Our kids will see us either succeed or fail miserably. But when we fail (and we will), we must also model repentance and ask God to help us.

This post is sponsored by Generous Family. My time was compensated however all opinions or My own. 

The truth is, the fruit of the Spirit is not about morals or how to be a good person. It’s about the Gospel because there is no one good, but God alone. The fruit of the Spirit points to Jesus, our Redeemer, and His perfect, sinless life. We will fail, time and time again but thank God for His grace and His mercies which are new every morning, and we must remember to extend grace to our children as well. 

Now, let’s get into the many ways we can homeschool with purpose using the fruit of the Spirit for kids!

Homeschool Bible Curriculum

Raising children who love to give and raising them with generous hearts is a must. In a world where entitlement has overtaken society, teaching our children to be generous using kindness is a life skill that helps them be more Christ-like. 

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Generous Family has an amazing 26-week homeschool Bible curriculum that teaches children how to live generously. The Generous Students Homeschool Curriculum Kit was created for the whole family ages 5-18. It teaches kids to be generous with their thoughts, words, time, influence, attention, money, and belongings. Each lesson just takes about 10 minutes per day, and will engage kids of every age!

I love the six major benefits of this curriculum:

  • Promotes Generosity
  • Improves emotional well being
  • Develops Character
  • Reinforces Biblical Values
  • Fosters Family Bonding
  • Enhances Learning

This curriculum is so beautifully put together. Both the content and the durability are top-notch.

Generous Family Homeschool Curriculum

We have added this to our Bible study time together and it has been a great addition. I love the practicality and ease of use as well. I can engage with all three of my children at the same time and it doesn’t feel dry. The conversations and dialogue between everyone are a great treat. 

Generous Family Homeschool Curriculum AFD Kids

The cost of the Generous Student’s Homeschool Curriculum Kit is $149. However, Generous Family is giving my readers a $20 discount using the code GIVE20. The best part is, this code does not expire!

$20 off the Generous Student Kit

Unit Study

Doing a unit study is a great way to focus on a specific theme or topic and includes multiple subjects, multi-sensory learning, and activities. 

The Fruit of the Spirit Unit Study studies all 9 fruit but focuses on love, the greatest commandment, and the root of all of the fruit. It is full of simple, yet thought-provoking activities that will help your family grow together in God’s Word.

Fruit of the Spirit Unit Study


A great way to memorize the fruit of the Spirit is with songs! There are so many wonderful songs that teach children scripture that I love! This song by Slugs and Bugs is great:


Bible/Scripture Study

Scripture studies are a great way to break down Bible verses into context and dig deep into definitions and meanings of words. It is also a great way to get into the Word by writing down scripture daily which is a great way to get God’s Word rooted inside our hearts.

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The Fruit of the Spirit Character Building Copywork is a 365-day faith and character-building Bible verse copywork activity on all 9 fruits of the Spirit. This daily activity is great for elementary through middle school ages!

Fruit of the Spirit Character Copywork

Other options:

Arts and Crafts

Getting hands-on is always fun! It’s also a great way to help little ones with learning concepts. 

This Fruit of the Spirit Game is a printable game and study that you can take on the go and play Go Fish, a memory game, and more.

Other options:

How Do You Teach The Fruit Of The Spirit For Kids?

Let me know in the comments what you use to teach the fruit of the Spirit for kids! Also, remember Generous Family is offering a $20 discount on their Generous Students Homeschool Curriculum Kit! Just use the code GIVE20.

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