Quest For The Kings Crown Review

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We received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.

Christian fiction books are a great way to add wholesome reading options to your children’s home library! We are always looking for adventurous books that solve a mystery for the kids. Enter The Last Chance Detective’s latest book Quest For the King’s Crown by Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family 

What are The Last Chance Detectives?

The Last Chance Detectives are a series of books published by Tyndale/Focus on the Family. These books are great for upper elementary and middle school ages. They would even make great family read-aloud books.

Quest for the King’s Crown is the 7th release of the series by author Robert Vernon. In this book, a group of friends enjoys meeting up to solve mysteries and find themselves seeking a treasure against what may be their greatest adversary. 

Quest for the King's Crown

How We Used This Book

My 8-year-old daughter read Quest for the King’s Crown for her quiet time. She loves mystery and adventure books so she was very excited to start reading this book. She zoomed through this book and read it very quickly! She enjoyed it so much that she now wants to purchase the entire series. 

How Much Is Quest for the King’s Crown?

This book is very affordable the softcover is $7.99 and the ebook is $9.99. You can also purchase the entire set of the series (7 books) for $55.94.

My Thoughts On The Book

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Quest for the King’s Crown is a winner. I love seeing my daughter reading a book she enjoys. She said there were some creepy parts at the beginning and at first, she was hesitant to continue reading but the more she read. I encouraged her to continue reading and once she did, she wanted to uncover the mystery the more she read. She realized, as the story unfolded, that the characters were able to overcome their fear and there were many biblical lessons within the story as well. 

I would recommend Quest for the King’s Crown and the entire series, for parents who are looking for wholesome fiction stories for their children and for kids who enjoy a good mystery!

Girl Reading Quest for the King's Crown

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