4 Reasons Singapore Math Ranks At The Top

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Math is always such a hot topic for homeschool parents. Many questions arise from which program is best to which program will work for your child. Whatever the question, it’s safe to say that there are programs out there that consistently surpass not only the test of time but surpasses international assessments. Singapore Math is one of those top programs.

4 Reasons Singapore Math Ranks At The Top

What is Singapore Math?

Dawn and Jeffery Thomas are the founders and creators of Singapore Math. Their journey began when they moved to the US from Singapore and found that the math their daughter was learning in public school was lacking, so they began to supplement their daughter’s math with what she was learning from Singapore.

The success of this addition to their daughter’s education led to other parents being interested in this math concept. Eventually, they developed a program called Primary Mathematics and started to sell it from their home. Over the years this grew into a thriving program and has become one of the top ranking methods internationally. 

Cool fact: their daughter, Echo, is now the CEO of the company! How cool is that?!

This post is sponsored by Singapore Math. My time was compensated however all opinions or our own. 


Let’s discuss 4 Reasons Why Singapore Math Consistently Ranks At The Top Of International Assessments

1. Unique Approach

Singapore Math uses an approach called CAP which is an acronym for Concrete > Pictorial > Abstract. In other words, a math problem is turned into a picture model which visually transforms math into something more recognizable. For example:

Concrete (hands-on): a new concept is learned by using objects or math manipulatives. 

Pictorial (pictures): Next, your child takes the previous concept and then uses pictures. The textbooks and workbooks would have a visual representation of that equation. 

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Abstract (written): Once your child has practiced solving problems using the concrete and pictorial steps, they are ready for solving the problem in their head abstractly.  

2. Laser Focused

Singapore Math emphasizes problem-solving, mental math, and a deep understanding of concepts and skills. With Singapore Math, your child will focus on less but gain more. With their mastery method, this program focuses intensely on fewer topics with greater depth. This means that your child will not learn repetitive drills. Instead, they learn how to critically think through an equation to reach the answer, which helps them learn how the equation works. 

3. Mental Math

While memorization is important, this program will help your child learn how to solve equations mentally, in their heads. As they continue to build on the arithmetic skills they previously learned, solving math problems mentally will get easier and easier, which will reduce relying on finger counting, and tallying.

Mental math will help your child grow strong number-building skills and will help them apply their math skills in real-life applications. 

4. Proven Results

It’s no secret the success of Singapore Math. Just do a quick Google Search and you will see how Singapore students rank at the top of international math testing over their peers.

Singapore Math assessment rank

According to Singapore Math’s website: Two international tests, the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), assess math and science competency in countries around the world. Singapore students consistently rank among the top on both tests. 

Singapore Math Assessment Scores

Is Singapore Math Good For Homeschoolers?

Singapore Math can be a good option for homeschooling parents who want to challenge their children and help them develop mathematical thinking and reasoning. Dimensions Math is great for homeschoolers and was created with the same rigor and effectiveness that Singapore Math is known for, but it is also a more comprehensive, engaging program with lots of math activities, games, and a bright vibrant design. 

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How To Start Singapore Math

It is suggested that your child takes a placement test. If your child is moving away from another math curriculum, it’s probably best to start one step before the grade level. For example, if your child is in 3rd grade, rather than starting with 3A, start with 2B. 

I previously used Dimensions Math, when my oldest was in Kindergarten. She excelled with this program and it was a really great fit for her. I’m excited for her to use the 4A and 4B (4th-grade level) of Dimensions Math!

How Much Is Singapore Math?

For homeschooling, you will need the home instructor’s set which has everything you need for the school year. Inside each set, you will get a textbook, workbook, home instructor’s guide, tests, and instructor printouts which cost around $158. If you need to purchase anything ala cart, the price ranges between $13-$31. 

Is Singapore Math Worth A Try?

I believe so. I have seen it work great with my daughter and I think it’s a math program worth trying. They also offer a variety of support including a free Facebook group. To see if it’s a good fit, you can take a look at a few sample pages of Dimensions Math

Have you tried Singapore Math or Dimensions Math? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

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