When it came time to teach my kids math, I wanted to try to make it a fun experience so that they can learn to actually enjoy it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Dimensions Math PK-5 from Singapore Math Inc. has actually put some fun into math!
What Is Dimensions Math PK-5
The Dimensions Math® PK-5 is a new series written by a team of teachers and trainers with more than 100 years of combined classroom experience. The series is rigorous, effective, and engaging and is separated into two semesters/levels, A and B. These levels correspond with the first and second halves of the school year.
Each semester offers a textbook, workbook, teacher’s guide, online resources, and assessments. Lessons include discussion, exploration, and use of manipulatives and exercises and it is recommended to use both the textbook and workbook simultaneously together, and not one or the other.
This post is sponsored by Singapore Math. My time was compensated however all opinions are my own.
How We Used Level K
We have used Level K as our primary Kindergarten math curriculum for this semester and we complete lessons at least twice per week. Each week, I review the Teacher’s Guide to plan for the lessons. We start by completing the textbook, which has learning tasks, and practices, then review the lesson.
We then proceed to the workbook which has more practice as well as independent work. With this level, it’s easy to want to do several lessons at a time, but I suggest sticking to one lesson per day.
I loved having the Dimensions Math PK-5 resource page as a tool to help promote retention. I really like the Blackline Masters section which we used for extra practice for the week’s lesson.
How Much Does Dimensions Math PK-5 Cost
I was pleasantly surprised to see how affordable this curriculum is. Each level will cost slightly different. The level we used, Grade K costs $131.50 and comes with the complete set with Teacher’s Guides included. Singapore Math offers free shipping on orders over $65!
My Thoughts On Dimensions Math PK-5
My daughter and I have both thoroughly enjoyed using this curriculum! We did not have to modify anything as she is able to keep up with the lessons. I found that after teaching her the first few math problems, she is able to complete the rest of the lesson independently.
Dimensions Math PK-5 is beautifully laid out and is easy to navigate. I love their free online resources, which are a great addition to the lessons. I also love the price! It is an affordable option for homeschooling families and I highly recommend it.
Have You Tried Dimensions Math?
I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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I switched to Dimensions Math KB recently for my almost 5 years old. We both are enjoying it very much!