Speaking & Engagements
Now Booking 2023!
I am honored that you have considered me for your event!
I would love to partner with you and help encourage Christian homeschool moms with a strong foundation that’s build on Jesus Christ!

I enjoy speaking on topics that encourages moms to cultivate homes with joyful intention through Biblical motherhood, homeschooling, artful homemaking on a dime, and family discipleship.
Previous Speaking Engagements:
Current Speaking Topics:
Equipped and Called To Homeschool.
As Christians, we are called to teach our children and as mothers, God has equipped us with the ability to do so. This workshop will encourage moms to pursue their God-given calling to homeschool their children.
Building A Solid Family Discipleship Foundation
Building a house with a solid biblical foundation is important today, probably more than it has ever been in our lifetime. As parents, we must cultivate and disciple our children for the sake of our children’s souls and their future. In this workshop, I will discuss the role parents play in discipling their children and how they can start biblically discipling their children.
Building Biblical Character In Your Homeschool
Did you ever think that would matter? Well, let me tell you something? It matters more than you know, especially in the social and political climate that we live in today. Teaching your kids to build a Godly character and habits will help them in life in more ways than you will imagine. In this workshop, I will discuss 4 ways you can help your children build biblical character that you can incorporate into your homeschool.
Other Topics
I love encouraging Christian homeschool moms! If there’s a topic here that you don’t see and you would like me to speak about, send me an email at hello@homegrownmotherhood.com and we’ll discuss if it’s a good fit.