The Fruit Of The Spirit Unit Study

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Are you looking for more Christ-centered resources for your children? This Fruit of the Spirit Unit Study is a character-building unit that studies all nine Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23.

This unit focuses on love, the greatest commandment, and the root of all of the fruit and is full of simple, yet thought-provoking activities that will help your family grow together in God’s Word.

Fruit of the Spirit Valentine's Day Unit Study

I am super excited about this! I created this as a personal need for my children to learn more and study the Fruit of the Spirit as well as help them build their character with each fruit. Not only has it helped us, but it’s also a great resource for other families to learn and grow together.

This unit includes:

Fruit of the Spirit Valentine's Day Unit Study

How To Use The Fruit Of The Spirit Unit Study:

This can be used any time of year but was written with Valentine’s Day in mind because it focuses on love. You can use the following schedule for inspiration:

  • Use as a 9-week study (focusing on 1 fruit per week)
  • Use as a 4-week study (focusing on 2 fruits for 3 weeks and 3 fruit one week)
  • Use as a daily study starting in February leading up to Valentine’s Day
  • Use it any time of year, not just Valentine’s Day!

What Age Is This For:

This is great for preschool through elementary ages and can be modified for middle school ages with provided Bible verses and activities.

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Fruit of the Spirit Valentine's Day Unit Study


What’s Inside:

With each fruit, there is an activity sheet that has the following categories to help you with each lesson:

  • Definition of the fruit
  • Verse (scripture for memorization)
  • Make (fun and easy recipes to cook together)
  • Read And Study (includes both a Jesus Storybook Bible story and a Bible verse to read)
  • Activity (engaging lessons and activities)
  • Think About It (use critical thinking to help with understanding)

Fruit of the Spirit Valentine's Day Unit Study

Ready To Get Started?

You can purchase this Fruit of the Spirit Unit Study for only $19.99!

Want a free sample? Click HERE!



Bearing good fruit is made evident by being rooted in Christ. As you go through this unit with your children, I pray that the Holy Spirit will work on each of your hearts by refining your character to be more like His.


fruit of the spirit unit study



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