Memorizing Scripture is one of the best and often easiest ways to put God’s Word in our hearts. That’s why I was excited to learn about a different way of memorizing Scripture using 14:6 The Way by Scripture Memory Fellowship.
What is Scripture Memory Fellowship?
Scripture Memory has memory verse products for children, young adults, and adults. They offer books and journals that you can buy, as well as free resources you can read, watch, and download. Their mission statement is to “cultivate systematic Scripture memorizers who know Jesus Christ and grow in his likeness for the glory of God.”
Over the course of 28 weeks, 14:6 The Way offers a systemic overview using 84 memory verses on salvation that is taken from John 14:6 which says “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” They offer versions in KJV, ESV, and NKJV.
Scripture Memory takes an approach similar to systematic theology, confessions, or a catechism but takes a unique route of learning scripture where one doesn’t just learn to memorize paragraphs, questions, or answers from as they state, “man’s pen but instead learns from the Word of God.”
They also offer free printable verse cards and a free mobile app that helps aid in scripture memorization called VerseLocker.
There are two more editions in the works which are:
14:6 – The Truth that will offer 84 verses on life’s biggest questions and
14:6 – The Life that will offer 84 verses on following Jesus.
I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
How I Used 14:6 The Way
I used this more like a Bible study for myself. The questions are done in such a way that it really makes you think and search the scriptures to find the answer.
I also really like the color coordination which has the key verses for every week. The way the color codes work is that you could choose how many verses you want to memorize by choosing the color.
To memorize one verse weekly use Green, to memorize two verses weekly use Green +Orange and to memorize three verses weekly use Green+Orange+Brown.
How Much Is 14:6 The Way?
14:6 The Way is currently $15. You can choose either a KJV, ESV, or NKJV translation.
My Thoughts On
I really like 14:6 The Way. I love the systematic approach so using it as a Bible study rather than Scripture memory worked for me. Since we already do catechism and hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession, it was something that fit right in and felt comfortable.
Although I didn’t use it for Scripture memory, I still think it is a great tool and would work for memorizing Scriptures and I still recommend it for parents as well as older children.
More Scripture Memory Resources
Here are a few other favorites:
How do you enjoy memorizing scripture?
Let me know down in the comments some of your favorites. I’d love to hear it! You can also check out more Scripture Memory Fellowship reviews from Homeschool Findings.

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