News For Kids From A Biblical Worldview

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As parents who keep up with current events with a biblical mindset, it was a no-brainer to look into a news channel for kids that has a biblical worldview. When it comes to current events, kids aren’t the typical age group targeted when it comes to news headlines. Until now. Meet WORLD Watch News!

What Is WORLD Watch News?

WORLD Watch is a news program for kids and teens that produces 10-minute news segments that “build literacy and biblical discernment”. They have been producing news since 1981 and their main news anchor, Brian Basham, has been in the business for nearly 15 years.

We received this complimentary product through the Homeschooling Finds. All opinions are my own.

WORLD Watch News consists of full episodes, feature stories, and newscasts. Their reports cover topics such as:

  • History
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Economics
  • Government
  • World Cultures
  • Etc.

World Watch News

This video-rich program is designed for busy homeschool families. Parents can rely on safe content that develops news literacy. It is built with a format that adapts to your schedule and can be streamed anywhere, including Roku devices, computers, and phones.

world watch laptop world watch phone

world watch tv

How We Used WORLD Watch News

We watched WORLD Watch News usually during lunch. The first few times, all three of the kids watched it together. However, my youngest two lost interest after a while, but my oldest, who is seven, really enjoys the program.

We watch up to two full episodes a day plus a few featured stories. One of her favorite segments is “What In The Word” where the reporter dives deep into a vocabulary word or an unusual-sounding word and puts it into context. She gets a kick out of the little intro before the segment.

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using world watch

We have discussions about what she watched for the day. Steven is well-versed in almost anything when it comes to politics, history, etc, and when questions come up, he has great discussions with her.

How Much Does WORLD Watch News Cost?

A family membership is very affordable and costs $79.99 annually or $9.99 per month. You could also try it out for FREE for 30 days to see if you like it before you purchase!

Here’s a mini preview:

My Thoughts On WORLD Watch News

We are very impressed with WORLD Watch News! The production of these newscasts is not cheesy and is done very well! I was afraid that they would be terrible, but I was proven wrong. Everything is professionally done from editing, reporting, and graphics…everything is impressive and as a result, Steven and I enjoyed watching the program as well! One of my favorite parts is when Brian Basham signs off by saying “Whatever the news, the purpose of the Lord will stand”. It just helps kids solidify that God is sovereign over all things.

Overall, I recommend WORLD Watch News! It is sound for Christian families, it’s affordable and it can be watched anywhere at any time.

family worship opt in

Have Your Tried WORLD Watch News?

Let me know in the comments what you think about WORLD Watch News! If you’re looking for more reviews, read about WORLD Watch News on Homeschooling Finds.!

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