How To Properly Set Up Pinterest Boards

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If you are using Pinterest for business, having an optimized account is essential to the success of your reach. You want to make sure that your profile is set up and optimized to match your brand. Because of that, your boards are a great place to start. 

In this post, I will share with you how to properly set up Pinterest boards so that they are optimized for SEO, how to choose niche topics for your board titles, how to create your boards, how to make your board cover graphics and upload them.

So without further ado, let’s get started!  

What Are Pinterest Boards?

First, let’s make sure you know exactly what Pinterest boards are and why they can be so important. A Pinterest board is the home where all of the pins that you save live. Boards allow you to organize all of your pins around different ideas, interests, and projects. 

Boards can play a very important part of your brand’s identity because they show your potential customers and clients what your business is all about! Pinners can pick and choose which boards they want to follow; so make sure yours are attractive, clearly titled, and organized. 

You also want to make sure to add to your boards regularly. You should have a consistent schedule for your pinning. You want the people who choose to follow your boards to see your content often. You can do this by manually pinning a few times per day as well as using a scheduler like Tailwind

Now that you understand boards and their importance for your brand, let’s move on to the next step! 

How To Choose Niche Topics For Your Pinterest Boards

Having niche topics, all related to your business, of course, is good because they let Pinners quickly see what your business is all about. Having specific niche board topics allow you to rank higher on Pinterest. You want boards that will show up in the specific categories Pinners are searching and you want your boards to stand out. 

To get really specific niche board topics, one thing you can do is to utilize the Pinterest search bar. Go to the search bar and start typing a general search that your clients or customers may put in. Pinterest will populate your search with suggested keywords that Pinners have been searching for. Check the results to see what shows up. Go off of that search and use those keywords if you can to choose niche topics to name your boards.

Another way you can do this is to go to your Pinterest analytics to see what Pinners are searching for. You want to be specific, short, and strategic when you are naming your boards. Pinterest gives you an easy way to do that. Let’s give a shout out to Pinterest for making this so easy for us! 

Pinterest Analytics Categorires and Interests

How To Create A Pinterest Board. 

Creating boards for your ideal customers and clients to follow is super simple! There are two different ways you can create a board. I have laid out all of the steps in detail for you here. 

Are you ready? Let’s go!

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First Way To Create A Board

Step 1: Log in to your Pinterest account and navigate to your profile. Once you are there, on the left-hand side, you will see a red ➕ located below your description called “create board”. Click it.

Step 2: Enter a niche title for your board using the instructions above. Once finished, click “create”.

Create Pinterest Board

Second Way To Create A Board

Now, let’s create a board from a Pin you have already created and pinned. 

Step 1: Go to the Pin you have already created, click on it. 

Step 2: Tap on the tab to the left of the red save button at the top right corner. 

Create Board From Pin 1

Step 3: Hit that big red ➕ button again. This time it will be located at the bottom of your screen.  Create Board From Pin 2

Step 4: Enter a title for your board, click create at the bottom right corner!  Create Board From Pin 2

There you have it! You now have two different ways to create a Pinterest board! No matter which route you take they are both equally simple.

Let’s get some board covers created! 

How To Create Pinterest Board Covers. 

This is one of the easiest ways to show off your brand on Pinterest. Your profile page will look more organized, appealing, and consistent. This is your chance to show off those colors and fonts that you most likely spent agonizing days, maybe even weeks, deciding on. 

I am going to tell you how to design these board covers in Canva. There are many other programs that you could use for this like Stencil or Photoshop, but I like Canva! If you are not a Canva user, you should be! It’s free and makes designing simple graphics fun and easy! And well, if you can’t tell, I am all about easy and simple!

Let’s design some board covers!

Step 1: Login to your Canva account. On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see “Create a design”, click on it.

Create Board Cover 1

Step 2: Click on “Custom dimensions” because Pinterest board covers, unlike pins, are smaller than a typical pin.      Board Cover 2

Step 3: Enter dimensions 800 x 1000 and click “Create design”.

Create Board Cover 3

Step 4: Decide which image, color, or pattern you want to use as your background. I personally like to keep it simple by using my logo and my brand font. All of the editing tools that you need are on the left side of your screen. Canva offers free elements and images for you to use if you decide to go that route, or you can upload your own images and logo.

Canva Design Elements

Step 4: Now that you have your elements selected, it’s time to add some text. For effective board covers, you want the text to include keywords related to your niche topic. 

Step 5: Once you have chosen your background and added your board titles, you are done! Now you want to download your image. You will see a downward-facing arrow on the top right corner. Click it, choose your file type (PNG) and click download. This will download it to your computer and it will also save in your designs on your Canva home page dashboard. 

Canva Board Cover

Could this be any easier? Let’s jump right into the next step! 

How To Upload Your Board Covers To Pinterest. 

Now that you have created a beautiful board cover for your profile, let’s upload it to your Pinterest board! 

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Step 1: Select the board you want to upload the cover. 

Step 2: Open the board and then click on the ➕ sign at the top left to upload the board cover just like you add a pin and then click “create pin”. 

Adding Board Cover


Step 3: You will then see this form. From here you will click on “drag and drop or click to upload images or video”.

Marriage & Family 3

Step 4: Fill in your title and description. Even though this won’t be repinned, you want to use keywords. You could even add the destination link to your board. Once finished, click the red publish button.

Marriage & Family 2

Step 5: Now, you want to edit the board to change the board cover. Click on the pencil sign at the top left to edit your board. 

Uploading Board Cover


Step 6: Choose “change cover” 

Changing Board Cover

Step 7: Hover your mouse over the arrow to find your board cover then click “save changes”. Sometimes you will have to refresh your browser to find the cover you just added. 

Change Board Cover 1

Step 8: Once you have selected and saved changes, this screen will come back. Click save and you’re done! 

Changing Board Cover 2

Now you can head back to your Canva account and edit the text to fit your niched boards to create matching, cohesive board covers for all of your Pinterest boards!

Once you have created and uploaded all of your Pinterest board covers, your profile will be beautifully branded!

Homegrown Motherhood Pinterest Boards

How To Optimize Board Descriptions

The final thing you want to do is to make sure that each of your board’s descriptions is optimized with keywords. Doing this will help your pins get found! Because Pinterest is a visual search engine and not a social media platform, you want to make sure that you have descriptive long-tail keywords so that your pins have a better shot at showing up in the search feature.

Below is an example of how I keyworded one of my boards. As you can see, it’s keyworded with words someone would type in the search bar. You want to make sure that the keywords are related to the niche topic of the board.

Pinterest Board Keyword Description

So there you have it, folks! If you made this far in my super long step-by-step instructions, you just learned how to properly set up Pinterest boards and you now have a beautifully branded Pinterest account! Your account is now one step closer to being fully optimized to help you bring in that traffic.

If you have any questions leave them in the comments below. I would love to hear from you! 

If all of this is extremely overwhelming for you, I’d love to help! CLICK HERE to learn more about my Pinterest Management Services and hire me to do it for you!


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Yolonda @
Yolonda @
4 years ago

THANK YOU!!! I’ve been wanting to do this to my Pinterest account but hadn’t looked up how. Then I open my email and look at what I found. This wonderful blog post. 🙂 Thank you so much! My Pinterest account is now beautifully branded!

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