Practical Family Bible Study Tips

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Reading and studying the Bible as a family is by far one of the best things parents can do with their children. In fact, the Bible itself makes it very clear that we are to read and study the Word of God and teach it to our children.

Proverbs 22:6 says:

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Psalm 78: 1-7 says:

Give ear, O my people, to my teaching;
    incline your ears to the words of my mouth!
I will open my mouth in a parable;
    I will utter dark sayings from of old,
things that we have heard and known,
    that our fathers have told us.
We will not hide them from their children,
    but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
    and the wonders that he has done.

He established a testimony in Jacob
and appointed a law in Israel,
which he commanded our fathers
to teach to their children,
that the next generation might know them,
the children yet unborn,
and arise and tell them to their children,
so that they should set their hope in God
and not forget the works of God,
but keep his commandments;

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says:

“6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

I could go on and on with scripture references about the importance of family bible study, but whenever I think about how rich the infallible and inerrant word of God is, it gives me great comfort to know that God’s Word is suitable for children and that it can be understood by them.

Steven and I have three kids ages 7, 5, and 3 and we use several different strategies when it comes to teaching our kids the Bible. I pray that these family bible study tips encourages and equips you either in getting started or with continuing teaching The Word to your children.

family bible study tips

Open The Bible

Yes, open the Bible! It may sound simple, but opening the pages of your Bible is one of the easiest ways to get started in teaching your kids the Bible. Reading directly from it, even if you’re reading big words will edify your family even if your kids don’t understand all the words.

We like to use a real bible, not a story bible when we do our family Bible study. Don’t get me wrong, story Bibles can be great for helping kids learn Bible stories, but an actual Bible is best for a rich Bible study.

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Have A Plan

Opening up your Bible can be daunting…I know! That’s why having a plan is helpful. Not only will it keep you on track, but it will also make it easier for you to know what to read rather than picking random scripture to read. A reading plan will make it a breeze to check off what you read every day.

Also, having a plan for your schedule is important. You’ll need to have a plan about what day of the week, what time of the day, etc to have your family Bible study time.

Consistency is key!

Use Copywork

Copywork is a great way to help your kids learn how to navigate and study the Bible for themselves. Doing it daily helps them to develop a habit of opening up God’s Word daily. Our seven-year-old does copywriting as part of her homeschool day and she looks forward to it and even likes to highlight the passages that she’s working on.

Get a free sample of my Character Building Copywork pages below!

Learn Catechism

When Steven first introduced me to the idea of doing catechism, I initially thought it would be too much for the kids to remember but boy was I wrong! My kid’s brains soak these Biblical truths up so quickly and it’s incredible! Even my 3.5-year-old can do this and it is good for us as parents too because it’s helping us learn and memorize Biblical truths right alongside our children!

The catechism we use is the 1689 London Baptist Confession but we also recommend the Westminster Confession as well!

Family Worship

One of my favorite parts of the day is when Steven leads us in family worship! It’s so important for parents to help cultivate and disciple our children for the sake of their souls and their future. Children are spiritual sponges and it is up to us, first and foremost, to teach them what to believe and why from a Biblical Worldview. Not only will it help them to be able to communicate God’s truth, but it will also help them defend it as well.

Family worship time is not duplicating a church worship service, rather is simply leading your family into worship to God. Here are a few ideas of what you can do during your family worship time:

  • Read a small portion from Scripture: Old and New Testament, perhaps one (Old) in the morning, one (New) in the evening
  • Read a Psalm/Proverb
  • Read or review catechism
  • Read a devotional guide
  • Hymn Book
  • Sing songs
  • Pray

Need More Practical Help With Family Bible Study?

Enter Help Your Kids Learn And Love The Bible by Danika Cooley!

Help Your Kids Learn And Love The Bible

I am super excited to receive this book for a review! I remember early on in my parenting days when the thought of teaching our kids God’s Word was so a little overwhelming. This resource lays out so many wonderful practical tips to help parents teach the Bible to their kids. I honestly wish this book was around when we first started!

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This 188-page book is a relatively quick read and is great for parents with kids of all ages! I like how the book is separated into 3 easy sections:

  • Part 1: You’re The Leader – discusses the importance of making a family plan while meeting the needs of the ages of your children as well as learning how to make time for family Bible study when life is busy.
  • Part 2: Faithful Reading – discusses the importance of interpreting the Bible properly. I love how she puts emphasis on the Word of God being inspired, inerrant and infallible and how the three “I” words must be taught with enthusiasm, joy, and confidence.
  • Part 3: A Daily Walk – discusses a plethora of tools, tips, and resources that will enrich family Bible study as well as tips to teach your kids how to pray. I love the section about there being times of difficulty and how times of struggle are normal.

Overall, How To Teach Your Kids To Learn And Love The Bible is a great book that will give you amazing tips to help you teach the Bible to your children. A few things you will learn include

  • How to overcome major concerns about teaching the Bible to your kids.
  • To successfully develop a consistent family Bible reading habit and plan.
  • How to interpret and apply the Bible rightly.
  • Skills for hosting meaningful Bible discussions with your kids.
  • To be prepared to answer tough questions
  • Age-appropriate ways to share the gospel.
  • To prepare for tough and busy days with unique ways to focus on Scripture.
  • Tips and tricks for making the Bible fun and engaging.
  • Tools for Bible memorization.
  • To structure Bible activities and discussions to your child’s God-given strengths


Last but certainly not least, one of my favorite resources available on Danika’s website is a free 130 page Bible Study Tool Kit which is perfect to accompany this wonderful book!

This book not only is great for parents well versed in the Bible, but it’s also great for beginners. If you’re looking for a solid resource that helps encourage and equip you in teaching your children the infallible Word of God, this book is definitely a winner and we highly recommend it.



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Amber Jenkins
Amber Jenkins
3 years ago

I need so much help with this. While I’m part of a few Bible studies, I have very little confidence in myself to study the Bible with my boys. It would actually be the easiest subject I teach all day!

3 years ago

This is so helpful!

3 years ago

Thank you for your insight, practical tips, and the possibility of obtaining Danika’s book.

Rachel Hawkins
Rachel Hawkins
3 years ago

I’m going to use your study in patience with the kids. Thank you so much for taking the time to write to equip us as we live out our motherhood calling.

3 years ago

Thank you for your encouragement! Leading littles to follow Jesus is both a great joy and great responsibility!

3 years ago

Thank you for the encouragement and practical tips!

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