How To Organize Your Homeschool Year – Planner Review

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It’s that time of year to start planning out your next homeschool year and using a planner is a great way to help you stay organized. If you prefer a paper planner that also comes with a devotional for homeschool moms, the Hey Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year written by Gena Suarez and published by The Old Schoolhouse® may be a great fit for you!

Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner

What’s Inside Hey Mama! Homeschool Planner?

I just have to say, this planner is beautiful! It’s jam-packed with everything you need to effectively plan your homeschool year.

Here is a list of what you will find inside:

  • Academic Transcript Form
  • Checklist and Skills Learned
  • Other Courses
  • 2019, 2020, 2021 Calendar
  • Monthly Calendars with Notes
  • Hey, Mama! Devotionals
  • Weekly Planners
  • Planning Pages for up to 5 Children

Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner

These forms and calendars are essential to keeping your homeschool year organized as well as helping with record keeping and documentation which is all essential for homeschooling.

How Will I Use The Planner?

Since this planner starts in July, I haven’t begun to fill in the calendar just yet. However, I have started using the Curriculum Planning pages to plan out what curriculums I will use for the school year. I like how it breaks down the subject, curriculum, vendor, grade level, price, and contact information. This will allow me to keep track of everything I’m using which will help me plan out each homeschooling week for each of my kids.

Once the curriculum is planned out, I will then start filling in my week-by-week plan on the weekly planner for the school year. We plan our homeschool year on a year-round schedule and this planner is so perfect for year-round homeschoolers!

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Hey, Mama! Devotional

One of the greatest parts of this planner is the devotional pages sprinkled throughout it. Because let’s face it. Homeschooling can be stressful and daunting at times. It’s nice to have encouragement throughout the year to help keep you focused.

I like how before each month, the devotional is there as a little pick-me-up of encouragement. I also like how it’s right next to the notes page so if you find something specifically beneficial from the devotional, you can write it down right there before you started making notes for the month.

Hey, Mama! Devotional

How Much Does The Planner Cost?

This planner is reasonably priced at $29 and it is currently on sale for $22! As of today, the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year is 98% sold out of this print run. The Old Schoolhouse® does not plan on printing any more until next year. So I highly recommend that you purchase yours ASAP before they sell out!

My Thoughts On Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner

I’ve used several school planners and/or teacher planners in both my teaching career and with homeschooling. The ones I used for homeschooling were geared towards public school teachers because I could never find planners dedicated to homeschoolers. Said planners always left me frustrated and having to add things to it to fit my homeschool needs. The Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner is amazing! It’s well made, affordable, and has everything I need to effectively keep me focused and organized. I am going to get a lot of use out of it for the school year and I highly recommend this planner to help keep your homeschool year organized!

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Click below to read more Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year from The Old Schoolhouse® reviews from the Crew!

Hey, Mama! Homeschool Planner for 2019/20 Year {The Old Schoolhouse® Reviews}
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