Fault Lines Review Part 2 – Podcast Episode 4

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Welcome to the show notes for Episode 4 of the A Family Devoted Podcast!

Here at A Family Devoted, we strengthen families with a biblical worldview so that they discern biblically, think critically, and glorify God in all things.

In this episode, we continue to discuss the book review of Fault Lines by Dr. Voddie Baucham.


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Things Mentioned In This Episode:

Foxes Book Of Martyrs

The Great Awokening Conference

James White The Dividing Line – The Lord’s Table

James White The Dividing Line – The Statement On Social Justice And The Gospel

The Just Thinking Podcast – Church of BLM Episode

The Just Thinking Podcast – Theory vs Theology



Must Have Children’s Catechism Books

Conversations That Matter – Al Mohler & Social Justice

Conversations That Matter – What happened to Al Mohler?

Conversations That Matter – Latasha Morrisons’ Be The Bridge

Conversations That Matter – SBTS Whistle Blower

Voddie Baucham: The Cover Up Story Every Christian Should Know About – What Really Happened With Resolution 9

Founders – By What Standard

Sign The Statement On Social Justice


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