Fun And Engaging Christian Entertainment For Kids

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Good, wholesome Christian entertainment for kids is hard to come by these days. There are so many things out there that are labeled “for kids” but are totally NOT appropriate for children. I think you would agree that the pickings are very slim and it’s to the point where you can’t even trust marketing anymore. The media has an agenda: indoctrinate and sexualize the minds and hearts of our children. I’m not okay with that.

Fun & Engaging Christian Entertainment For Kids

I often wonder if Christian parents pay attention to what their kids are watching. And for the ones that do pay attention, do they even care what their kids are watching? What’s even sadder is that many forms of media have become a babysitter for many children. I mean, do you really want to entrust untrusted and unsafe sources with your children? 

Yeah…no thanks!

So now the question remains, are there ANY wholesome options available for our children? The answer is yes. There are wonderful options for Christian entertainment for kids!

Vetting Media Content 

Before we get into the options, let’s talk about how to vet media content with care first. 

Have a Biblical Worldview:

I cannot stress how important this is. Having a biblical worldview gives us as Christians a lens through which we must view everything. And I mean ev-ery-THANG. We must use Scripture as our light to help us reveal the darkness that tries to consume us, especially in entertainment. 

Teaching our children to have a biblical worldview is essential as well. We often play a “game” called Spot The Lie where if we are in the middle of watching something we pause it and have a mini discussion if something comes up that is opposed to our worldview. We ask questions like “What did you notice there?”, “Did you catch what just happened?” or similar questions to help our children think critically about it, and then we point Scripture at it to reveal why. You’d be surprised how much their sweet little brains pick up!

Be Careful Of Woke Ideology

There are several networks that we don’t allow our children to watch, especially if it’s modern. A popular one that comes to mind is Disney. I know there will be a lot of folks who will argue with me on this, but my husband and I both agree. Disney and many other media are full of woke ideology and quite frankly, they are anti-God! 

Tools to help vet media:

  • Plugged In by Focus On The Family: their goal is to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live through reviews, articles, and discussions.
  • Common Sense Media: rates movies, TV shows, podcasts, books, and other digital media. This is a secular source but will give you an idea of what’s in the content which will help you decide if it’s right for your family or not. 
  • VidAngel: while we have not used VidAngel before, they are recommended by many Christian families for filtering categories like violence, sex, and profanity. 
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While I understand that it is impossible to 100% shield our children from everything, we do our due diligence first before our kids can have access. And sometimes, if access is given, it’s taken away if something comes up that doesn’t meet our standards.

All hope is not lost, however! There are other entertainment options that are wholesome for Christian families. 

Christian Video Games For Kids

Video games aren’t much of a constant thing in our home. We don’t even own a traditional game console. However, we do own a retro console that we allow the kids to play for a few hours once a week, but more likely 2-3 times per month. 

Then there are games for tablets. We only give our kids their tablets for games when we are traveling on a road trip. They absolutely love having them for hours up hours on the road and find it a sweet treat.

These video game apps are great for tablets:

Superbook Kids Bible App – If you’re a fan of the cartoon show Superbook, this Superbook Bible App is great. It is a free Bible app for children that helps bring the Bible to life with videos and images from the SUPERBOOK animation series as well as engaging interactive Bible and interactive games. 

TruPlay Games – If you’re looking for a solution to toxic media and a way to redeem screentime, TruPlay Games offers Bible-based, Christian games on a child-safe platform. They do not have ads, in-app purchases, or chat features in the app which means you don’t need to worry about your children pressing any unwanted buttons going to unwanted places on the internet. 

RHB Heroes

This post is sponsored by TruPlay GamesMy time was compensated however all opinions are my own. 

With TruPlay, you can watch your children’s faith grow as they play Bible-based games, watch videos, and read comics that are geared toward building children’s confidence.

There are so many fun faith-filled options to choose from inside TruPlay. The allegorical world called RhymVerse is full of adventures where the heroes face similar real-life challenges and they use Biblical themes such as prayer, faith, and truth, to fight their battles. 

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Currently, TruPlay Games is only available for download on Apple devices with Android coming soon. Their games range from $12.99 monthly to $119.99 annually. 

TruPlay Games pricing

Christian Television For Kids 

In our home, we try to use television as a learning tool, meaning, if the kids are watching TV, we want them to be learning, not just being entertained or appeased. We limit television to about an hour and a half to two hours a day and honestly, the TV does not always get turned on. Sometimes, the kids just don’t get to watch TV for one reason or another.

There are some great options for Christian TV. Many of these also have apps that you can download on your smart tv and devices.

WORLD Watch News: WORLD Watch is a news program for kids and teens that produces 10-minute news segments that “build literacy and biblical discernment”. The segments consist of full episodes, feature stories, and newscasts. One of my favorite things is when the news anchor signs off by saying “Whatever the news, the purpose of the Lord will stand”.

Yippee TV: This streaming app is a wholesome alternative to YouTube that is full of faith-filled shows for children.

Answers TV: Answers In Genesis offers family-friendly educational videos from a biblical worldview that will help you and your children learn how to defend the Gospel. 

Awesome Sci TV: AwesomeSciTV offers a vast variety of science videos from a biblical worldview that will help build your faith in biblical creation and Earth’s history. 

Christian Audio For Kids

Audiobooks and podcasts are great for listening to in the car, around the house while doing chores, or as they play.


  • The Adventum is an adventure audiobook series that is produced by Wise King Media. This audio adventure Bible series aims to provide a Christ-centered, entertaining chronological Bible dramatization. It brings God’s story of redemption to life with beautiful background music, sound effects, and professional actors. 


What’s Your Favorite Christian Entertainment For Kids?

Share your favorite options for Christian entertainment for kids in the comments below. I’d love to hear them!

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6 years ago

Thank you for this! My toddler gets more tv time than I would like to admit and I always try to find fun learning shows for her. I’m running out of good ones and have seen the same word party show on Netflix for the millionth time lol. Will have to check these out!

Jeremy Geiersbach
Jeremy Geiersbach
1 year ago

When did you see a change in creative galaxy? Thank you for the reviews!! We just started watching the series…

9 months ago

A few resources we have enjoyed in our family are:
–YWAM (Youth With a Mission) books and audio books–Christian Heroes Then and Now (Missionary stories) and Heroes in History (Important people of mainly US history).
–The Brinkman Adventures–a homeschooling family takes missionary stories (old and recent) and inputs their family in some way into the telling of the story.

We use these to read or listen to in our home, but also are great in long car trips.

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