This in case of emergency cards for your kids is a simple yet effective tool to help keep your kids safe! Just print them out, fill them out, laminate them then punch a hole in it and hang it on their backpack! Easy peasy!
Who Is It For?
Great for the whole family!
The Pack Includes:
Each ID tag comes in two sizes and 4 super cute prints.
Materials I Recommend:
These pages are easy to prepare! Just print, and go or laminate for multiple uses!
- white paper – for printing and immediate use
- card stock – for durability and long-term use
- printer – this printer saves me a ton of money on ink
- laminator – laminating will help keep the pages durable for multiple uses
- laminating sheets – for extra durability
- hole puncher – for putting a hanger on the tag
- keyring – to hang the tag
- tag holder – if you don’t want to laminate, these are great
Get Your Pack Now!
Go here to download your free copy…
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