How This Mom Started A Successful Online Fitness Business At Home

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I LOVE encouraging moms! Especially moms who want to branch out and become an entrepreneur.

I decided to start an interview series called Maven Mompreneurs Spotlight Series where I will be sharing inspiring stories from moms who are pursuing their dreams while raising a family. I will be spotlighting these amazing moms on Mondays! My goal with these interviews is to light a fire within you to not let go of your dreams but pursue them with passion and grace.

This first interview has been a year in the making. When I first came up with the concept of this series, I knew what I wanted to do, but I wasn’t sure how to go about doing it. It took a year of prayer and lots of brainstorming to get to this day. I know this is the start of something great and it will blossom and grow more. So without further ado, let’s meet Beth Learn of Fit2B!

What’s the name of your business?

Fit2B Studio, LLC which is operated out of the and websites.

How can we learn more about your business?


What services do you provide?

I create, film and produce family-friendly fitness videos that members in 45+ countries stream through our website and Roku channel. Along with several other guest instructors, we specialize in workouts and online e-courses that cater to postnatal and perimenopausal women who need to be cautious of tender tummies, sore joints, and other considerations.


What was the motivation behind starting your business?

Even as a fitness instructor, it was hard for me to get out of the house to work out when my babies were tiny. So I was being paid to work out, and I still struggled to make it happen! Ha! So don’t feel bad, mamas!

When I looked for workouts on youtube or other online sites (because I didn’t want to buy a DVD since I get easily bored having taught over 20 styles of fitness over the years) it was really disappointing and shocking to see a low quality, lack of standards, and zero dress code. I tried really hard to find something tasteful and high level, but it just wasn’t there. It was either screaming teachers in sports bras or zen yoga teachers barely cueing basic movement flows with their cleavage hanging out in down dog.
I began dreaming of launching my own online fitness site that would be non-intimidating, more modest, family-friendly, and provide a huge diversity of workouts based on my history and experience and myriad certifications.

What’s the most rewarding part of your business?

When members post their success stories in the forum or elsewhere on social media, that really relights my fire. I know that what Fit2B provides has helped thousands of women worldwide, but the personal progress women make isn’t usually something they wish to broadcast. One has to be pretty bold and excited to proclaim that they’ve quit peeing themselves, sex no longer hurts, they can walk without wobbling, etc. So when things like this come across my feed, I have myself a private dance party.

How does your family support you in your business endeavors?

I have no idea what it’s like to not be supported. If one were to look at my conservative surroundings and upbringing, they might assume I’ve had to fight against the patriarchy, but the truth is my dad, husband and my male business partner have all been amazing. When I was little, my daddy and I had our share of quarrels, but he repeatedly told me I could do anything I put my mind to. My husband has always shared chores and parenting with me, and – while he still calls Diastasis Recti “disaster-sees” instead of “die-ass-tuh-sees” – he is my number one fan. My business partner has talked me off many cliffs and quitting moments, and my kids tell all their friends that their mom “does fit to be.”
Beth Learn Fit2B

What drew you to the field of fitness?

My high school offered step aerobics classes, and I signed up for it on a whim. Not knowing what to expect, I showed up in a dress and nylons! The choreography and base beat was an instant hook for me, even though I was a hot mess for the first few months. As part of our “final” in that class, we had to teach a small workout segment. The teacher said I was a natural and I should consider getting certified which I did when I was 18. Teaching group fitness while I went to college helped me stay in shape and pay for classes. I originally started my major as political science, but I quickly changed it to Exercise and Sports Science. I love how fitness empowers women to be stronger contributors to their families, communities, and world

How many children do you have?

I have two, a boy and a girl. They were only 2 and 5 when we launched Fit2B, and I was still nursing the youngest. They are now 9 and 12.

How do you balance being a wife, mom, and mompreneur?

I stay flexible. There is no formula. I have a general to-do list written in pencil in my planner, and I spread tasks out over a week. I carefully guard one day each week. I don’t schedule anything. I don’t plan anything. God often sends something to fill it, and I’m open to that, but I protect that day to rest and veg with my kids in our Jammie’s. Doing the basics is enough on that day. This is a REAL pic of my planner this week.
I also hybrid-homeschool my kids which means they have classes at a local charter a few times a week, and we do the rest together. We have a small farm, and they are competent, independent workers and learners. We have daily and weekly commitments that we don’t budge on, such as morning chores, church on Sunday, community center swim on Monday, class days, date night on Wednesday, monthly Fit2B film sessions, and my business partner and I do a weekly jam session on Tuesday. I hire out the stuff that stresses me out, and my kids are old enough to do almost everything around the house now. I’ve learned we cannot balance things by doing all the things. When we model humility and teamwork and health management, we are demonstrating true leadership for our kids.

How has your faith guided you in your mompreneur journey?

My faith in Christ and my belief that this world isn’t all there is to living is my anchor. When I look at how the human body is designed – it’s physiology, anatomy, kinesiology – I see an intelligent and creative design. When my website gets a bad case of the hiccups, I remind myself that my Maker has a plan for all of it. When I feel shaky because everything feels crumbly and uncertain, well, my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame – human or web platform – but wholly trust in Jesus’ name. Right? My success isn’t because of my hard work, because I’ve worked super hard and gone nowhere, then all of a sudden there are 100 new members out of nowhere because some random blogger promotes us. I can’t orchestrate that. My mission is to change lives one tummy at a time because I believe the Creator made women to NOT fall apart after having babies… that would be a bad design. Yes, my faith is super central to what I do.

What advice would you give a mom who’s afraid to take the first step in pursuing her passion and purpose?

Do one little thing each day. Big dreams can be scary when you start to consider all that must happen to accomplish them, but if you do one thing each day toward your goal, you’ll get there. You’ll sort it out and find your way. Write the letter that asks the question. Call the company. Buy that one prop or piece of equipment. Edit that blog that’s been in draft mode and hit publish. File for your business name. Buy those business cards. One thing each day, and pretty soon you’ll be 7 years into a successful thriving business.

For the mom who is actively pursuing her passion and purpose, what would you say to encourage her?

You don’t climb a mountain right after climbing off the couch. You start by going for a short walk, then a long walk, then you hike a small hill, and then you look for a bigger hill. Here’s where it goes sideways in the middle. We climb that big mountain, and then we aren’t sure what to do next. At that point, it’s not about climbing bigger and bigger mountains, because that’s not sustainable. It’s about bringing others along for the climb. It’s about staying consistent and continuing to do the work so that we reap a harvest if we don’t give up.

Just for fun questions:

What’s your favorite way to unwind from your day?

I take a hot Epsom salt bath while watching Netflix. Then I put on jammies and crawl in bed with a bowl of cereal.

What’s your favorite movie and why?

My current fave is The Greatest Showman for all the entrepreneurial nuggets of wisdom the celebration of all human bodies.
How This Mom Started An Online Fitness Business At Home | Beth Learn of | Maven Mompreneur Spotlight Series
What steps will you take to pursue your dreams today, mama? Leave a comment so I can cheer you on!
If this interview inspired you, let me know in the comments!

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Christina White
Christina White
4 years ago

This was the article I needed to read. I’ve been so hesitant to start my fitness business because it’s so overwhelming and I often don’t feel like I’m good enough. Thank you for all the great advice!

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