Time Management Hacks For Homeschool Moms

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If you’re a homeschool mom who feels like their wheels are spinning out of control, I know how you feel! I’ve been there, and done that, and I still haven’t mastered time management. But, what I can tell you is that over the years, I have gotten a whole lot better at learning how to manage my time as a homemaker and homeschool mom.

I’m here to encourage you that time management is not out of reach for you. I’m a firm believer that God sustains us as we embark on the duties and calling He has given mothers as homemakers and homeschoolers. I remember many times when I used to pray for a nudge to help me manage my time. Well friend, here is the nudge you need! These time management hacks for homeschool moms will help give you a nice little push in the right direction. 

Time Management Hacks For Homeschool Moms


This post is sponsored by Beehive. My time was compensated however all opinions are my own. 

Time With God

This one seems like a no-brainer, but it is essential and is the number one time management hack for homeschool moms. Prioritizing time with God is not only beneficial for your soul, but it is a great way to start your day by putting God first. Spend time in prayer and in God’s Word to fill yourself up before the day brings its challenges.

For me, listening to an audio Bible is often my go-to, but there’s something so sweet about opening an actual Bible and spending time in the Word. I also love reading this daily Matthew Henry devotional and listening to Christian podcasts and solid Christian music after my Bible time.  

Stick To A Routine

Having a routine in place will make your day flow so much better! I remember the days when I would just wing it and get through each day by the skin of my teeth! When I realized that routines and systems work inside the home, I will never, ever go without one. Kids are quick learners and my kids caught on quickly and they function much better on a routine. 

Plan Your Week

I’ve tried a bazillion paper planners. I’ve also tried a bazillion digital planners. I’m clearly exaggerating, a little, but I have tried more planners than I’d like to admit. Sometimes I’m in a paper planner mood and sometimes I’m in a digital planner mood. I do tend to reach for my phone to write something down more than I stop to find my paper planner and a pen. Plus, my phone is compact and fits in my purse to take wherever I need to go.

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intentional paper plannerSometimes there are weeks that have more planning than others so I adjust and readjust as needed. Each week I generally like to plan out:

  • Meals: eliminates guessing what’s for dinner
  • Shopping list: write down what we need
  • Grocery Budget: plan how much to spend
  • Bills: know what’s due and pay on time
  • Activities: helps me remember playdates, doctor’s appointments, etc
  • Homeschool: keep track of book lists, music lessons, etc.

For personal and household planning, I do enjoy using paper planners like my Intentional Year Homemakers Planner, but I also use the trusty Google Calendar. 


For homeschool planning, using an app like Beehive is a great way to help plan your kids’ week and stay organized. Beehive is a parenting management app available on both the App Store and Play Store. Beehive makes it super easy with all the options available

Beehive Household

Each child has their own profile so I can individually keep track of each one. Beehive also provides personalized learning resources for parents to tailor the needs and interests of their child’s learning. 

Beehive School

Get The Kids Involved

Getting your kids involved with home life will pay off in more ways than you can imagine and will be beneficial long term. Why? Because you’re teaching your children life skills, responsibility, independence, and how to be good helpers which will benefit them and their future families.

get kids involved

I have taught my kids at an early age how to wash dishes, do their own laundry, clean the bathroom, clean their own rooms, and more. Believe me when I say that it will take A LOT of work and training to get your children to the point of doing things independently. Your patience will be tested but your hard work, and theirs, will pay off!

Stop The Scroll

This one is a constant struggle for me if I’m honest with you. I have to daily make an effort not to scroll and some days are better than others. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and all the other social media places can wait! Focused time with and for your family always beats mindless scrolling.

What’s Your Best Time Management Hacks For Homeschool Moms?

Be sure to leave a comment to let me know what time management hacks for homeschool moms have worked for you!

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Giveaway Time!

Another homeschool year is right around the corner! Many homeschool moms are busy preparing, planning, and finalizing curriculum choices for the upcoming school year. And many are trying to squeeze every last penny out of their homeschool budget, hoping to afford all the books and resources they will need.

Whether you’re living on one income or are buying curriculum for multiple kids, homeschooling can put financial strain and stress on a family. So I’ve gotten together with a great group of homeschool bloggers to give you a chance to win a gift card to a major online homeschool retailer. Our hope is that we can bless a few homeschool families (although we wish we could bless many more) so they can decrease that burden and buy the curriculum and supplies they need.

Three people will win a $250 gift card to either Rainbow Resource Center or Christianbook.com – two great places to shop for homeschool curriculum and resources, with the best prices around!!

To enter for your chance to win, simply use the Rafflecopter form below to enter. Now I know this is quite a few entries, but each of these bloggers has generously chipped in their own money to make this giveaway possible, so I hope you will take the time to do all of the entries. And hey, the more entries you do, the better your odds are of winning!

Giveaway ends July 19, 2024 at 11:59pm. Must be at least 18 years of age. Must be a resident of the U.S. or Canada to enter. Selected winners will have 48 hours to respond to email notification to claim their prizes or another winner will be drawn. By entering this giveaway, you agree to be added to the email lists of the participating bloggers (see the Terms & Conditions on the Rafflecopter form).

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Homegrown Motherhood is dedicated to recommending quality resources to benefit Christian families. This blog contains and is monetized through ads, sponsored posts and affiliate links. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy

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16 days ago

Great ideas for saving time. Thanks for sharing.

16 days ago

Thank you for the time saving tips. Preparing ahead really does help!

Jyl Fearn
Jyl Fearn
15 days ago

Thank you so much for all the amazing help and resources! You have no idea just how helpful and a blessing you are!

Kourtney Siano
Kourtney Siano
15 days ago

This really was a timely article. Thank you for sharing!

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