Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit Gift Guide

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Welcoming a new baby is exciting! Doing something special for your older children at the hospital is a great way to build excitement as well as help them transition into their new role as Big Sister or Big Brother.

Having 3 babies in 4 years, I knew that my 3-year-old and 18-month-old would need something extra to help them with the transition of welcoming their new sister.

I learned the hard way when we welcomed our son. At the time, my daughter was 22 months old and it was a tough transition for her, and to be honest, it was hard for me too. I definitely didn’t want the same thing to happen this time around.

Let’s face it. Adding a new member to the family could be an unsure time for kids, especially when they’re young like mine. Their little minds may not be sure how to process all the newness! And if you have a child like my oldest who is not a big fan of change, you want to do everything you possibly can to make this occasion exciting.

As moms, the last thing we want is to have our eldest babies feeling left out when welcoming the new baby. It was important for us to show our daughter and son that mommy and daddy still value and love their preciousness. Giving them a Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit was our way of showing them that they have graduated to a new sibling status and that was to be celebrated!

Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit


A Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit Helps In Three Ways

  1. It’s a seamless gift that can be played with at the hospital and at home!
  2. It’ll keep them entertained!
  3. It’ll help them feel part of the celebration!

Do any of those sound helpful to you? It certainly did for us, so let’s get to building the Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit!

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Building a Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit

Putting these adorable kits together was easy and cheap! And it can be easy and cheap for you too! I don’t know about you, but when you’re 9 months pregnant and ready to pop, easy is necessary!

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I purchased most everything from either Dollar Tree or Amazon. You can probably build one kit easily for less than $15!

Huge tummy 9 months pregnant

Since you know your child best, the beauty of these kits is that you can customize them for your child. You can stuff them full of the things that they love. Since it’s likely to be given at the hospital, keep it simple. It doesn’t even need to be big and extravagant. You’ll want these kits to fit inside a gift bag, which will make it easy to transport.

Big Brother Big Sister 1

What’s Inside Our Big Sister/Big Brother Kits?


Big Sister’s Kit:


My daughter is in love with My Little Pony and Daniel Tiger right now. She also loves to color and play with Play-Doh. So pairing those two things together in her kit was the perfect combination.

Daniel Tiger is amazing. Tiger Family Trip is currently her favorite episode so getting her this book was a no-brainer.

The Play-doh My Little Pony Set is super cute and she can make cute little Play-doh ponies. I chose this because it also came with mini containers of Play-doh inside the package which is one less thing I needed to buy.

I stuck with a mini My Little Pony theme and got her a coloring book and Pony Playset from Dollar Tree.  My Little Pony figurines are expensive, but this off-brand pony set works too.

A Big Sister shirt finished off her kit. She put this on before getting to the hospital and she loved the sparkles!

The gift bag was also a Dollar Tree find and I had a box of crayons on hand. This reusable gift bag is a great option too.

Big Brother Big Sister 3


Put It Together:

*click on any photo to learn more



Big Brother’s Kit:

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Big brother pack


My son is simple. He loves Daniel Tiger and cars! He’s also really into learning his colors. Those three things were the perfect combination for him.

Again, Daniel Tiger is amazing! The Baby Is Here book was perfect because it coincides with the episode we’ve been watching to help prepare him for his baby sister. There is also a Big Brother Daniel book!

My boy can play with cars for hours! If it has wheels, he’ll push it around and be a happy little camper. The Flip & Race Darington was so cute because it switches around and can be a car on either side with a push of a button. And the Racecar makes noise. Bingo!

A Big Brother Shirt finished off his kit. He also put this on before getting to the hospital.

Again, the gift bag is a Dollar Tree find but this reusable gift bag is a great option too.


Put It Together:

*click on any photo to learn more



Was It A Hit?

It’s safe to say that making a Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit for the kids was a success!

They were excited to receive these gifts after meeting their sister at the hospital. And as I hoped, they were very happy and content playing with these kits in the hospital as well as at home!

SCORE one for Mom!

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More Ideas for Your Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit

Children are such a beautiful blessing and heritage! Congratulations on your newest gift from God! Here are a few things to get you started. Have fun…the sky is the limit!

*click on any photo to learn more


What are you going to get your sweet little one for their Big Sister Big Brother Hospital Kit? Share in the comments!

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Rigel Celeste
6 years ago

This is seriously a must-have! We did something similar for my 3 year old and it really saved the day.

Amy from

Those are great book suggestions! I’ve been sending some gifts for friends’ children who are having second babies, and never thought about big sibling books. Great idea!

6 years ago

This is such a thoughtful and considerate idea for new siblings to help them feel not left out…

6 years ago

What a wonderful idea! It’s so important to make the younger siblings feel included in welcoming the baby because they can feel like the baby is getting all the attention.

6 years ago

I have a little gift bag for my 10 year old daughter for when her baby sister is born in the next few weeks. It is so important that they feel included in the process.

Mama Willgren
6 years ago

I love this idea! I hadn’t ever even thought of it until a few people brought over big brother gifts for my oldest after my youngest was born!

-Mama from Mama Writes Reviews

Chelsea Padgett
6 years ago

We had baby gift big sister a dolly. She gave her a special dolly and all the accessories. Now they play dollies together and it’s so sweet!

Menaka Bharathi
6 years ago

These days I have been visiting some kids in the hospital, I think something like this will be very useful to them because they get bored staying there all day. nice review

6 years ago

great ideas! We love Daniel Tiger over here too. When baby was born, we watched all the baby episodes of Daniel tiger over and over and sang the big helper in the family song 🙂
We also have the I am a big sister book, and it’s so cute!

6 years ago

Aw! I had 3 in 4 years, too. Each of my
Kids are 19 months apart. My middle
Was born on Easter so we just let the Easter bunny take care of things ??. When my son was born he girls both had their own baby doll swaddled and waiting in the hospital. I love the my little pony play doh thing. My girls love those little sets and i have one that is so into horses right now.

DeeJay | Life With Littles

This is actually a great idea. I wish I would have had this resource when I gave birth back in April. any son had a hard time adjusting to the fact that he had to share me. this may have eased the blow a bit!

6 years ago

This is such a fabulous idea! I love the idea of celebrating your older kids with a gift bag and to make the big sibling feel special. These are such great ideas to include.

6 years ago

Love using Daniel Tiger for understanding life lessons!

6 years ago

Lovely adorable ideas. Daniel Tiger and Play dough are fav of my son as well. Perfect guide to keep Big brother’s/sister’s busy and creative enough.

Elise Cohen Ho
6 years ago

These ideas are great. Mostly the kids in hospital just want to be thought of, have some interaction and be a bit more “normal” for a day. Lovely idea.

6 years ago

These are wonderful ideas. I still have one kid but I would use this idea in the future for sure 🙂 Thanks a lot

Kelly M.
6 years ago

This is a fabulous idea! I did have a gift for my son from his new little sister, but I really like this idea and will suggest it to all future friends. Kids know when they are about to loose out on attention from their parents and grandparents, so this helps remind them they are loved! Great article!

6 years ago

I love this idea to help make little ones feel special when a new baby arrives!

6 years ago

I love the big brother/sister kit idea, especially for the purpose of them feeling special. So important! And, of course, it’s helpful to keep them occupied. 🙂 These are great suggestions!

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