6 Easy Christmas Gifts For A New Mom

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Buying a gift for a new mom could be a tough thing to navigate, especially during the Holiday Season. As a new mom to my third baby, I wanted this Christmas to be a stress-free zone.

It’s not a secret that the holidays are stressful. I still have all of the “wonderful” postpartum hormones and my goal is to take the minimalist approach to the Holiday’s this year!

This gift guide is probably as straightforward as it gets! Help the new mom in your life reduce her stress level with a gift that is practical and helpful.

1. Godiva Chocolate Gift Box

YES! Chocolate! It’s like manna from heaven and cures everything, including raging hormones. Seriously! My chocolate craving has been through the roof and this will satisfy it Every. Single. Time. I appreciate a good quality piece of chocolate and Godiva never disappoints.

2. Art Naturals Bath Bombs Gift Set

A nice warm bath with these bath bombs is literally the bomb! It has just the right stuff to help relax your body. The ingredients are 100% all natural, full of antioxidants to cleanse, detox, heal and nourish. Perfect for a new mama’s recovering body!

3. De-Stress Essential Oils Set

I love essential oils! Aromatherapy is the perfect addition to a warm bath. This set includes some of my favorite blends: Quiet Time, Stress Relief, and Relaxation. They are 100% pure therapeutic grade and will soothe and relax mama’s mind and body. This is also great for diffusing around the house!

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4. URPOWER Essential Oil Diffuser

You need this if you have essential oils on your list. This machine uses mist to diffuse the oils into the air as well as humidifies the air. Add a few drops of oil and water and mama is all set to start relaxing. Another bonus is that it looks nice and will add a nice touch to any room decor!

5. Lactation Cookie Mix

These cookies are delicious and perfect for a breastfeeding mama! They have Blessed Thistle and other key ingredients in it that will help boost milk supply. The last thing a new mama wants to worry about is a low milk supply. Trust me, it’ll help take a load off mama’s shoulders to know that her milk supply is sufficient.

6. Precious Mammories Jewelry Keepsake

This gift is a little more sentimental and is another perfect gift for a breastfeeding mama. Precious Mammories is a company who creates custom jewelry and soap from mama’s breastmilk. These pieces are beautiful and unique and it’s perfect whether mama pumps or breastfeeds. I breastfed all three of my babies and it creates a lasting bond and sweet memories. This is a great way for mom to hold on to those sweet memories and is a gift that will last for years!


So there you have it! These gifts will not only put a smile on a new mama’s face, but it’ll also help her do something that she needs…relax!

Are you a new mom? What’s on your wishlist?


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6 years ago

This is a great list! How about just for mom who’s kids are basically both teenagers now…that’s newish right? I will take the Godiva and the bath bombs! 😀

6 years ago

Essential oils is definitely something I wouldn’t mind getting for Christmas! Great gift ideas!

Evelyn, PathofPresence

Love your selections!! I’m a seasoned mom, and I still want all of those goodies! Thats when you know the selection are good <3 :-D. Thanks so much!

Christine Salty Mama
6 years ago

These are great ideas! I also loved pretty and cozy PJs since getting dressed was pretty much optional, haha! 🙂

Brigette Collins
6 years ago

I personally would love the Godiva chocolates ANY TIME lol. These are great ideas for new moms!

6 years ago

I’ve got a couple of friends who just had babies and/or are going to be having them soon! This is a great list <3

6 years ago

I love these gift ideas! Definitely great for a new mom! Super functional and useful! Great post!

6 years ago

I love the idea of a special gift for nursing moms.

Evelyn, Path of Presence

Love your suggestions! My favorites are the aromatherapy and the earrings. Love the ease and convenience of shopping through your site <3 Thanks!

6 years ago

The essential oil diffusers are not only perfect for recovery, they are also perfect to cover up those dirty diaper smells. 😉

6 years ago

Yes! Always chocolate! These are super thoughtful gifts. I would LOVE them as a new mommy!

Sanaa Brooks
Sanaa Brooks
6 years ago

Chocolate! YES! OMG. I’d love that right now. Sometimes the stress of motherhood is so much, if you can just grab a (free) piece of chocolate and relax for one minute, it’s so worth it.

6 years ago

I LOVE this list for new mamas! Give me all the chocolate and essential oils to de-stress, ha! Thank you for compiling a round up of these great gifts! XO

6 years ago

Um, send the chocolates my way!!!! Great post!

Lacey Rabalais
6 years ago

Great list. I liked having a pretty coloring book for me or a book to read while nursing.

6 years ago

I love the gift ideas especially the DE-STRESS ESSENCIAL OIL and of course the chocolate ,lol x


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